Creating calculated fields

When you add the calculated field, its name displays in the Calculated Fields list. You can then insert the field as you would insert any other field. How?

To create a calculated field:

  1. In either 13-3 Report Writer or 13-5 Form/Report Page Design, on the toolbar, select Edit > Calculated Fields.
  2. In the Calculated Fields window, in the Name text box, enter the name of the calculated field you want to create.

    Note: The Name text box has a 15 character limit. You can use spaces and special characters in addition to letters and numbers.

  3. In the Description text box, enter a brief description of the field.
  4. Select Do Not Total, if the calculated field should not be totaled.
  5. Use the Database Fields, Functions, and Operators to build the calculated field expression.
  6. To save the calculation, click Save.

    Note: The Save button is not available unless all required fields (Name, Description, and Calculated Field Expression) are filled out.

  7. Click Close.